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Ligustrum Texano Pyramide - 240cm
Ligustrum Texano Pyramide - 240cm
Ligustrum Texano Pyramid- 240cm
Ligustrum Texano Pyramide - 240cm

Ligustrum Texano Pyramid- 240cm

199 95

Discover the charm of the beautiful Ligustrum Texanum! Elegant and easy to care for, this shrub enriches any garden with timeless beauty.

  • 240 cm
  • 40 cm
Order a matching pot directly!
The total price of your configuration199,95
We understand that you would like to see your XL plant first, and therefore we can send a photo via WhatsApp. Send me photos of this plant.

In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

  • Plants from our own nursery
  • Choose your own plant with our Personal Plantshopper
  • No more dragging plants around

Personal Plantshopper

We fully understand that you would like to see your XL plant first, which is why we can send a picture of it via WhatsApp. When you send a WhatsApp to the following number, we will take some pictures.

Send me pictures of this plant
Plant height may vary 10 cm. Height includes cultivation pot. The cultivation pot in the photo may vary.

Product Description

The beautiful Ligustrum Texano creates a lovely Mediterranean atmosphere in your garden.

Care & tips Ligustrum Texano - 240cm

The Ligustrum Texano is an easy garden plant. Just make sure you are aware of the right care to enjoy this topper for a long time to come.

Water requirements of the Ligustrum Texano - 240cm

In summer, the Ligustrum Texano may be watered 2 to 3 times a week. In winter, let the root ball dry out completely before watering again. This also prevents frost damage.

Light requirements of Ligustrum Texano - 240cm

The Ligustrum Texano prefers a sunny spot. However, the summer's bright sun can sometimes be a little too much, causing the tree's leaves to burn. We recommend moving the Ligustrum Texano with prolonged heat and full sun to a spot with a little less sun.

Is the Ligustrum Texano - 240cm a poisonous plant?

The Ligustrum Texano is unfortunately toxic if ingested. So be careful with pets and children.

How will my Ligustrum Texano - 240cm be sent?

This ornamental garden plant is delivered in a cultivation pot. All our XL plants are delivered by our external courier. This courier is experienced in transporting live products and knows exactly how to deliver this amazing tree tiptop to your home.


Latin Name Ligustrum Texano
Delivery Plant delivered in cultivation pot
Warranty Fresh from the grower
Height 240 cm
Diameter 150 cm
Pot Size 40 cm
Location Outside
Water Needs ± 1-2 per week
Poisonous Slightly poisonous
Air Purifying Yes
Packaging Delivered in a custom made plant delivery box
Maintenance Little

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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

199 95