Orange tree - 170cm

Orange tree - 170cm

89 95

Met de Sinaasappelboom waan jij jezelf direct in zomerse sferen. De Sinaasappelboom is een prachtige toevoeging aan een mediterrane tuin.

  • 170 cm
  • 25 cm
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The total price of your configuration89,95

In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

  • Plants from our own nursery
  • Choose your own plant with our Personal Plantshopper
  • No more dragging plants around
Plant height may vary by 10 cm. The measured height includes cultivation pot.

Product Description

It is not guaranteed that your tree will produce oranges, as this depends entirely on its location and care. Moreover, it remains a living being that grows in its own unique way.

With this beautiful Orange Tree, you immediately imagine yourself in summery, Spanish spheres. The Orange Tree is a fragrant tree and is hardy to 0 degrees Celsius. If the temperature drops below this, we recommend wrapping the tree with a special tree cover or plastic.

Care & tips Orange tree

The Orange Tree is an easy tree to take care of. However, it is important to place it in the right spot. The Orange Tree likes to stand in the sun, but be careful on hot summer days. Then the sun can get a little too hot and bright. In this case, we recommend temporarily moving the Orange Tree to a spot with a little less sun.

Water requirements of the orange tree

In summer, the Orange tree should be watered 2 to 3 times a week. In winter, the root ball should dry out completely before you water it again. This also prevents frost damage. Make sure there is good drainage in the pot/soil. This allows excess water to drain away properly.

Light requirements of the Orange tree

The Orange Tree likes to stand in a sunny spot. Nevertheless, the summer's bright sun can sometimes be a little too much, which can burn the tree's leaves. We recommend moving the Orange Tree with prolonged heat and full sun to a spot with a little less sun.

Is the Orange Tree a poisonous plant?

Fortunately, the Orange Tree is not toxic to humans and animals.

How is my Orange Tree shipped?

This topper is delivered in a cultivation pot. All our XL plants are delivered with our external courier. This courier is experienced in transporting live products and knows exactly how to deliver this amazing tree tiptop to your home.


Latin Name Citrus
Delivery Plant geleverd in teeltpot
Warranty Vers van de kweker
Height 170 cm
Diameter 100 cm
Pot Size 25 cm
Location Buiten
Water Needs ± 1-2x per week
Poisonous Nee
Air Purifying Ja
Packaging Goed verpakt in een speciale doos voor het versturen van planten
Maintenance Weinig

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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

89 95