
The hole plant, also known as the Monstera Deliciosa, is more popular than ever. Who doesn't like the hole plant? With its large round leaves, the hole plant gives an extra stylistic boost to any living room!

1 - 16 from 16 products

Monstera Deliciosa XXL - 150cm Monstera Deliciosa XXL - 150cm
19% Sale
Monstera Deliciosa XXL - 150cm
79 95 64 95
  • 150 cm
  • 27 cm
Monstera - 70cm
14 95
  • 70 cm
  • 17 cm
Monstera Monkey Leaf - 25cm
9 95
  • 25 cm
  • 12 cm
Monstera Deliciosa XXL - 180cm
159 95
  • 180 cm
  • 35 cm
Monstera Deliciosa - 110cm
79 95
  • 110 cm
  • 30 cm
Monstera Monkey Leaf - 180cm
119 95
  • 180 cm
  • 27 cm
Combi deal - Monstera Pertusum XL including elho Vibes Fold Round - 150cm
99 95
  • 150 cm
  • 30 cm
Combi deal - Moss stick mix
74 95
  • 75 cm
  • 16 cm
Monstera minima kratiste stick - 100cm
34 95
  • 100 cm
  • 21 cm
Monstera Minima - 40cm
39 95
  • 40 cm
  • 15 cm
Monstera Deliciosa - 140cm
26% Sale
Monstera Deliciosa - 140cm
229 95 169 95
  • 140 cm
  • 45 cm
Combideal - Jungle trio
279 95
Combideal - Jungle Jewels
39 95
  • 30 cm
  • 12 cm
Combideal - Green bundle
239 95
  • 35 - 180 cm
  • 12-30 cm
Combi deal - Mix it up
49 95
  • 25 - 45 cm
  • 12 cm
Monstera Siltepecana - 30cm
14 95
  • 30 cm
  • 12 cm
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Everything you need to know about the Monstera

The hole plant, also known as the Monstera Deliciosa, is more popular than ever. Who doesn't like the hole plant? The hole plant fits in every type of interior, whether it is Scandinavian or industrial. With its large rounded leaves, the hole plant gives an extra stylistic boost to any living room! The hole plant does wonders for any living room. The Monstera plant is a true stylistic plant. We understand why the hole plant is an inspiration in the world of fashion and art, but it is also an air purifying houseplant and can serve as a decorative and natural room divider. In addition, the hole plant can even serve as an air purifier or decorative room divider.

If you want to buy a Monstera plant, then you should read the following facts carefully! The Monstera plant is unmistakable because of its large leaves with holes. The symbolism of the hole plant is also very special. In China, the hole plant is seen as a symbol of long life and the veneration of the elderly and respected people. The hole plant is also an easy houseplant, making it suitable for any plant lover. This makes us very enthusiastic and perhaps even a little greedy!

Taking care of a hole plant

What is the best way to look after a hole plant? Although the hole plant is an easy houseplant, it is of course important that you don't completely neglect its Monstera plant care. Every plant needs a little love, and the hole plant is no exception. But don't worry, you can read all about how best to look after a hole plant below. So feel free to check out all the care tips for the hole plant. You happy, the hole plant happy!

Watering a hole plant

Would you like to buy a Monstera plant but don't know how much and how often to water your hole plant? Then read up on how best to care for the hole plant. We have some great tips on how to care for your Monstera plant! The hole plant is not particularly thirsty, but it does like to keep the soil moist at all times. We recommend giving your Monstera a good splash of water once a week.  Tip: In summer it is better to water the hole plant twice a week.

Be careful not to over water your hole plant. Too much water can prevent the roots of the Monstera plant from absorbing any nutrients and from drowning, which can eventually lead to the death of your Monstera Deliciosa. The potting soil then becomes saturated and suffers from a shortage of oxygen. We don't want that to happen!

Want to be sure your hole plant does need water?  You can check this by simply feeling the soil in which the Monstera plant stands. Put your finger in the soil and check if there is any moisture at the roots of the Monstera. If the soil of the hole plant is very dry, then you can certainly give your hole plant a splash of water! The leaves of the hole plant will also tell you quickly if they are happy with how much and how often you water. If the leaves of your Monstera houseplant turn a little yellow and dry, it could mean that it needs more water. You can also use a moisture meter.

Did you know that the hole plant is most happy with rainwater? After all, this water is the most nutritious for your Monstera plant. When it gets over sixteen degrees outside, some people put the hole plant outside. With the intention that it will rain, but unfortunately you can't control the rainfall and too much rainwater can cause the Monstera Deliciosa to drown. Moreover, you then have a greater chance of aphids. Our tip to you: Spray the leaves of the hole plant at least once a week with rainwater. You can, for example, put a watering can outside and collect the rainwater with it. If you don't have any rainwater available, tap water will do just as well! Leave this water overnight so that the calcium disappears.

The perfect location for the hole plant

Want to buy a monstera deliciosa hole plant but not sure where it prefers to grow? Read our tips on the perfect location for your hole plant. The hole plant likes many different locations but prefers a light spot. Furthermore, the Monstera houseplant does not like full sun as its leaves can burn and that would be a shame for the beautiful hole plant! You could even put the hole plant in the shade. The hole plant will only grow slower in the shade than in a bright spot and will not grow as fast as if you put it in a bright spot. We do recommend that you turn the Monstera Deliciosa around once in a while so that the Monstera houseplant does not always have one side facing the light. The consequence of this is that the hole plant will only grow towards one side. You will of course want the hole plant to grow nicely on all sides, so give it a twist from time to time. The Monstera is a perfect houseplant for a somewhat darker home!

Furthermore, the Monstera houseplant is originally a tropical plant and loves tropical temperatures. It embraces the warmth and loves high humidity. The living room is the ideal place for the Monstera plant. Do bear in mind that in the winter the heating comes on and therefore the humidity is very low. Put a few cups of water in front of or next to the heating, then the air will become a little damper and the Monstera Deliciosa will be happy.  So if you want to buy a Monstera deliciosa plant, take the above aspects into account.

Replanting a hole plant

Do you want to repot your Monstera? Then quickly read our tips on how best to do this for your hole plant. The hole plant is a plant that can grow fast if you give it lots of love.  The hole plant is a real monster and will go anywhere if you give it a lot of love. As the plant is a fast grower and gets lots of extra roots it is recommended to give your gatenplant a bigger pot every few years. The roots can then grow further and a little fresh potting soil will also provide the hole plant with new nutrients. Don't go for a double-sized pot straight away as there is then a risk of over-watering. A pot that is around twenty percent larger, in terms of diameter, is perfect. It is best to repot your Monstera plant at the end of winter or the beginning of spring. The hole plant will then be able to recover quickly from its growing period and move.

Pruning a hole plant

With the right care, the Monstera houseplant can grow to gigantic proportions. This is great fun of course, but not suitable for all homes. You will also notice that the old leaves of the Monstera plant will eventually become a little unsightly. Useful to know: Before you start pruning your hole plant, it is a good idea to repot it and give it some new potting soil. Once this is done, you can start pruning your hole plant. If you have brown leaves, feel free to cut them off at the stem junction and the hole plant will eventually grow new leaves. If you want to shorten the length of your Monstera plant, always cut under a dormant bud. This will give the plant room to grow wider again.

Another handy care tip: yellow leaves are often a sign that the Monstera plant is receiving too much light in one place. If this is the case, it is a good idea to check whether your Monstera is perhaps standing too close to the window. You can feel free to cut off these leaves; eventually the hole plant will grow new leaves. 

Feeding the hole plant

The hole plant requires almost no nutrition. During the summer months it does like to get some extra plant food once every fortnight. Furthermore, the hole plant doesn't need it in the autumn and it doesn't even want it in the winter. This is because the Monstera houseplant consumes so much energy that the nutrition remains in the soil too long. This causes the soil to become very acidic and the roots don't like that. In short, the hole plant only likes to be fed in the summer. 

Diseases affecting the hole plant

The hole plant is generally not affected by diseases. Of course it can sometimes get a lice infection or something similar. We all catch colds from time to time. But should your hole plant develop white spots or other suspicious characteristics, you should take a good look to see if your Monstera plant isn't suffering from any diseases after all.

All you need to know about the hole plant

Want to buy a monstera hole plant? Then there are lots of tips to make your purchase even more enjoyable. This is why we will tell you a few more facts about the hole plant. The Monstera plant comes in many different sizes and therefore falls under the category of medium houseplants.

Is a hole plant poisonous?

Before you buy a hole plant, take a good look around your house. A hole plant is unfortunately not animal friendly. This is because the stems and leaves of the hole plant are poisonous to pets. Gnawing at the leaves of the hole plant can cause kidney problems for your pets. So be careful with a Monstera plant in your home if you have pets and small children running around!

Different sizes of the hole plant

The Monstera Deliciosa comes in many different sizes. For example, there is a small hole plant called Monstera Minima. This mini hole plant has a pot size of 15cm and can therefore be called the most adorable hole plant. The leaves of this small hole plant are also very small. This small Monstera plant could also be put in a basket with a hanger. Looking for some fun? Take a look at our Monstera Monkey leaf

We often get the question whether we also have a type of Monstera plant without holes. The hole plant gets its holes at birth, because they originally come from the tropics and there these holes served to let the heavy rain pass through the leaves. However, many new leaves appear after the birth of the Monstera plant. These new leaves have no holes. So you end up with a hole plant without holes.

Is there a variegated hole plant?

There is definitely a variegated hole plant, but unfortunately it is almost impossible to find. A variegated puncture vine means that the leaves of a Monstera are a colourful mixture of white and green. It is a special plant that actually started out as a wrong kind of Monstera. This variegated hole plant has suddenly become very popular and many people now want to have it. Because they are actually 'mistakes' by the growers, they cannot produce these variegated Monstera plant species on a regular basis. And when they are able to offer such a Monstera plant, they are also very expensive. Well... we think that the normal hole plant is also great!

Air purification of the hole plant

Want to buy a hole plant monstera, but also want it to purify the air? No problem! Whatever size hole plant you choose, all Monstera species are strong air purifiers.

How big does a hole plant grow?

The hole plant grows two to three leaves per year. At first this may seem disappointing, but once the hole plant develops large leaves of around 50cm, it quickly reaches an enormous height. The growth rate decreases at low temperatures of, for example, less than 10 degrees. Do you want to buy a monstera hole plant that just keeps on growing? Keep repotting the Monstera and it will grow super fast!

Origins of the hole plant

Nowadays everyone has heard of the hole plant or Monstera Deliciosa. But where does the Deliciosa Monstera actually come from? The Monstera originates from the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. In this environment it is a semi-climbing plant that can grow to a height of several metres, with leaves that are one metre in diameter! In China, the hole plant is a symbol of long life and the veneration of old and respected people.

Buy a monstera deliciosa hole plant at Green Bubble

Want to buy a cool monstera hole plant? Of course you do at Green Bubble. Green Bubble has small hole plants and large hole plants. We strive to send the healthiest and highest quality plants every day. All hole plants we sell are always fresh from the grower.

We are most happy when we have a happy customer and a healthy plant. Are you planning to buy a Monstera but do not feel like going all the way to the shop and then having to carry the plant. Order them easily and quickly at Green Bubble. With one click on the button you order them online and we deliver them to your door. This way you can chill out on the couch and you don't have to carry your hole plant around. If you order your hole plant from us today, you will have it delivered very quickly. This makes buying a monstera hole plant a breeze!

Order your beautiful Monstera houseplant quick and easy. That's what we stand for at Green Bubble. Do you want to buy a monstera hole plant? Join the Green Bubble.