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Olive tree Olea Europaea Bonsai  - 250 cm / stem circumference 45-60cm
Olive tree Olea Europaea Bonsai  - 250 cm / stem circumference 45-60cm
Olive tree Olea Europaea Bonsai  - 250 cm / stem circumference 45-60cm
Olive tree Olea Europaea Bonsai  - 250 cm / stem circumference 45-60cm
Olive tree Olea Europaea Bonsai  - 250 cm / stem circumference 45-60cm
Olive tree Olea Europaea Bonsai  - 250 cm / stem circumference 45-60cm
Olive tree Olea Europaea Bonsai  - 250 cm / stem circumference 45-60cm
Olive tree Olea Europaea Bonsai  - 250 cm / stem circumference 45-60cm

Olive tree Olea Europaea Bonsai - 250 cm / stem circumference 45-60cm

339 95

Prachtige olijfboom met een winterhard karakter tot ca. minus 7 graden Celsius. Deze mooie olijfboom heeft een uitstekende prijs-kwaliteit verhouding en is qua maatvoering geschikt voor de meeste tuinen, ook de wat kleinere.

  • 250 cm
  • 65 cm
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Total price of your configuration339,95
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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

  • Plants from our own nursery
  • Choose your own plant with our Personal Plantshopper
  • No more dragging plants around

Personal Plantshopper

We fully understand that you would like to see your XL plant first, which is why we can send a picture of it via WhatsApp. When you send a WhatsApp to the following number, we will take some pictures.

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Plant height may vary by 10 cm. The measured height includes cultivation pot.

Product description

Wow, what a picture is the Olea Europaea Bonsai! It is a magnificent olive tree that catches the eye everywhere because of its height but also because of its beautiful trunk. This trunk is proof of years of growth and stability. Olive trees are known and appreciated worldwide for their fruit (the olives) and for the summer atmosphere they bring with them. The olive tree originates from the Mediterranean area around the Mediterranean Sea and is thus used to a warm climate. However, this giant is hardy and can tolerate temperatures down to -7!

Care & tips Olea Europaea Bonsai - 250cm

Like all other types of olive trees, Olea Europaea is very easy to care for. However, it is important to place it in a sunny spot. Because the sun in the Netherlands is sometimes a bit lacking, it is important that the Olea gets all the sun it can. Pay attention to this when choosing a location.

Water requirements of the Olea Europaea Bonsai - 250cm

The Olea needs quite a bit of water. Olive trees are already quite thirsty types but a big 225cm tree like this one needs even more than a small variety. Because the tree needs a sunny spot, it will also consume a lot of water. The more the sun shines, the more water it needs. So in the summer months, watering is considerably more than in the winter months. The amount and frequency is different for every olive tree. After all, it remains a living product.

Light requirements of the Olea Europaea Bonsai - 250cm

The Olive tree is used to the Mediterranean climate where the sun shines almost all the time. Sunlight allows the plants to develop well, so it is really important that the Olea Bonsai gets a sunny spot. Because the sun shines less in the Netherlands, all olive trees have more trouble developing. There is no need to bring the tree inside during the winter months, as it is hardy and can tolerate temperatures down to -7. If temperatures fall below -7 degrees Celsius, we recommend protecting the tree with a special tree cover.

Is the Olea Europaea Bonsai - 250cm a poisonous plant?

The Olea Europaea Bonsai is absolutely not a poisonous plant, but we do advise you not to consume the first olives or olives that were already hanging on the tree when you bought it, or to use them in food.

How will my Olea Europaea Bonsai - 250cm be shipped?

This Mediterranean topper is delivered in a cultivation pot. All our XL plants are delivered with our external courier. This courier is experienced in transporting live products and knows exactly how to deliver this amazing tree tiptop to your home.


Latin name Olea Europaea
Delivery type Plant geleverd in teeltpot
Warranty Vers van de kweker
Height 250 cm
Diameter 200 cm
Pot size 65 cm
Location Buiten
Water requirement 2x per week
Poisonous Nee
Air-purifying Ja
Packaging Goed verpakt in een speciale doos voor het versturen van planten
Maintenance Weinig

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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

339 95