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30% Sale
Ficus Lyrata struik XXL - 200cm
Ficus Lyrata struik XXL - 200cm
Ficus Lyrata struik XXL - 200cm
Ficus Lyrata struik XXL - 200cm
Ficus Lyrata struik XXL - 200cm

Ficus Lyrata bush XXL - 220cm

199 95 139 95

De Ficus Lyrata struik is een super populaire XXL plant! De Ficus Lyrata wordt ook wel de tabaksplant genoemd omdat de bladeren worden gebruikt om tabak mee te maken.

  • 200 cm
  • 27 cm
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The total price of your configuration139,95
We understand that you would like to see your XL plant first, and therefore we can send a photo via WhatsApp. Send me photos of this plant.

In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

  • Plants from our own nursery
  • Choose your own plant with our Personal Plantshopper
  • No more dragging plants around

Personal Plantshopper

We fully understand that you would like to see your XL plant first, which is why we can send a picture of it via WhatsApp. When you send a WhatsApp to the following number, we will take some pictures.

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Plant height may vary by 10 cm. The measured height includes cultivation pot.

Product Description

Please note that the height of the Ficus will be between 210 cm - 230 cm.

Ficus Lyrata is a popular houseplant because of its particularly beautiful leaves and easy care. Its nickname is the tobacco plant, which it owes to the shape of its leaves. In the wild, this plant can grow up to 30 metres high. Ficus Lyrata is a fast-growing plant, but it will not easily reach this height. When you buy this plant, there is a chance that the green houseplant will drop some leaves in the beginning. Do not panic, this is because it needs to get used to its new environment. Furthermore, this plant is a real sunbather!

Care & tips Ficus Lyrata XXL bush - 220cm

Ficus Lyrata XXL is not a difficult houseplant to look after. However, it is sensitive to new environments. So if the easy houseplant grows to one side, do not move the plant all at once but turn it a little bit every day. The plant may drop its leaves in the event of major changes.

Water requirements for Ficus Lyrata bush XXL - 220cm

You should always try to keep the soil of Ficus Lyrata shrub XXL moist. In the beginning, give the air-purifying houseplant small amounts of water several times. After a while, you will know approximately how much water the plant needs. In the summer, however, this is more than in the winter. In the summer months, the Ficus Lyrata bush will grow XXL and use more energy. Spraying the Ficus Lyrata XXL once a week will also benefit it. The leaves will stay nice and you will have less chance of pests and diseases.

Light requirements Ficus Lyrata bush XXL - 220cm

Ficus Lyrata shrub XXL prefers a bright spot close to a window. If no new leaves appear, this is a sign of a too dark location. During the summer months, direct sunlight can become too intense. For this period, move the plant to a spot with fewer hours of sunlight per day.

Is Ficus Lyrata XXL - 220cm poisonous?

The leaves of Ficus Lyrata XXL are poisonous to pets and children. It is not recommended to ingest the plant, you can get irritated bumps and a red skin. The sap that is in the plant also irritates the skin. So be careful with this plant if you have children or pets.

How is my Ficus Lyrata bush XXL - 220cm shipped?

This sun worshipper is delivered in a cultivation pot. All our houseplants are sent in specially designed shipping boxes. The unique interior of the shipping boxes ensures that the houseplants are firmly positioned in the box and cannot move around. Houseplants don't mind being in a dark box for a day. This way, we make sure that your green friends are delivered to your home in tip-top shape.


Latin Name Ficus Lyrata
Delivery Plant geleverd in teeltpot
Warranty Vers van de kweker
Height 200 cm
Pot Size 27 cm
Location Volle zon
Water Needs ± 1-2 per week
Poisonous Licht giftig
Air Purifying Ja
Packaging Goed verpakt in een speciale doos voor het versturen van planten
Maintenance Weinig

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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

199 95 139 95