Croton Codiaeum 'Mammi' dark - 30cm

Croton Codiaeum 'Mammi' dark - 30cm

12 95

The Croton Codiaeum, better known as the Croton plant, is a striking ornamental plant loved for its vibrant and colourful leaves.

  • 30 cm
  • 12 cm
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The total price of your configuration12,95

In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

  • Plants from our own nursery
  • Choose your own plant with our Personal Plantshopper
  • No more dragging plants around
Plant height may vary 10 cm. Height includes cultivation pot. The cultivation pot in the photo may vary.

Product Description

Codiaeum 'Mammi' dark is a beautiful, eye-catching houseplant.Originally from Southeast Asia and the Pacific, this plant has found its way into living rooms around the world because of its decorative appeal. Indeed, with its extensive colour palette, the plant fits perfectly into any interior.

Care & tips Croton Codiaeum 'Mammi' dark - 30 cm

The plant is not difficult to look after. Of course, make sure you know the right care tips. To keep the Codiaeum 'Mammi' as beautiful as possible, we advise you to water the plant regularly.

Water requirements Croton Codiaeum 'Mammi' dark - 30 cm

It is important for Codiaeum 'Mammi' dark that the soil remains constantly moist. This is because when the plant's root ball dries out, it is difficult to recover. Give the plant small amounts of water several times a week, taking care not to leave a layer of water in the pot.

Light requirements Croton Codiaeum 'Mammi' dark - 30 cm

The Croton likes to stand in daylight, which will help it develop its beautiful colours. If the plant is too dark, it will not grow new leaves and its colours will fade.

Is the Croton Codiaeum 'Mammi' dark - 30 cm poisonous?

Unfortunately, the plant is poisonous if ingested. So be careful if you have smaller children or hungry pets.

How will my Croton Codiaeum 'Mammi' dark - 30 cm be shipped?

This houseplant is delivered in a cultivation pot. All our houseplants are shipped in specially designed shipping boxes. Due to the unique interior of the shipping boxes, the houseplants stand firmly in the box and cannot move. Houseplants don't mind spending a day in a dark box. This way, we make sure your green friends are delivered to your home in tip-top order.


Latin Name Codiaeum
Delivery Plant delivered in cultivation pot
Warranty Fresh from the grower
Height 30 cm
Diameter 20 cm
Pot Size 12 cm
Location Normal daylight, next to a window without direct sunlight
Water Needs ± 1-2 per week
Poisonous Slightly poisonous
Air Purifying Yes
Packaging Delivered in a custom made plant delivery box
Maintenance Little

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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

12 95