
A somewhat easy name for the Beaucarnea is Elephant's Foot. You may simply call it that. It got this name because of the shape of its trunk. It is a fierce green crown on a sturdy leg.

1 - 6 from 6 products

Beaucarnea Multi Stem - 140cm
159 95
  • 140 cm
  • 38 cm
Beaucarnea XXL - 180 cm
169 95
  • 180 cm
  • 32 cm
Beaucarnea Multi Stem XXL - 170cm
349 95
  • 170 cm
  • 40 cm
Beaucarnea - 120cm
79 95
  • 120 cm
  • 27 cm
Beaucarnea - 100 cm
64 95
  • 100 cm
  • 28 cm
Beaucarnea - 60 cm
44 95
  • 60 cm
  • 20 cm
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A striking Beaucarnea

The Beaucarnea symbolises strength and indestructibility. The name is composed of ‘Beau,’ meaning ‘beautiful,’ and ‘carnea,’ referring to a Greek harvest festival. This symbolises the houseplant's primal nature, which always manages to recover.

Beaucarnea houseplant's water requirements

Although the Beaucarnea does not look like a cactus, it is surprisingly similar to one in terms of care. Its thick stem stores water and nutrients, so the easy care plant needs very little water. Let the potting soil dry out before watering again, and be even more sparing with water in winter. Too much water can lead to root rot, which you definitely want to avoid.
Water requirements vary depending on factors such as temperature, sunlight and the size of the plant. When in doubt, it's better to water too little than too much. Watering is not necessary, but it can help remove dust from the leaves.

The perfect location for the Beaucarnea houseplant

The Beaucarnea thrives best in a warm and sunny climate. Make sure the plant gets 4-5 hours of sunlight daily, but avoid too much direct sunlight. In the summer months, the Beaucarnea can also stand outside, provided you let it get used to it gradually. Bring the plant inside when the night temperature drops below 10 degrees.

Repotting the Beaucarnea houseplant

Because the Beaucarnea grows slowly, it does not need to be repotted very often. If you do decide to repot the plant into a larger pot, do so in spring. Preferably choose a wider rather than a deeper pot to better control water management.

Pruning the Beaucarnea houseplant

If the Beaucarnea grows too tall, you can easily cut off the stem. Preferably do this in spring. After pruning, the plant needs less water and place it in a light spot. You can cover the ‘wound’ with wax to prevent infections, but this is not necessarily necessary. You can easily remove yellowed leaves.

Fertilising the Beaucarnea houseplant

The Beaucarnea needs little fertiliser. However, if you want to give the plant an extra boost, do so in spring or summer. Over-fertilisation can burn the roots, which can be fatal for the plant.

Flowering of the Beaucarnea

Indoors, the Beaucarnea will rarely flower because of its low light intensity. Should this nevertheless happen, long white flowers will appear and demand a lot of energy from the plant. It is advisable to remove these flowers to maintain the health of the plant.

Is the Beaucarnea a poisonous houseplant?

No, the Beaucarnea is not poisonous and is therefore safe for children and pets.

The air-purifying effect of Beaucarnea as a houseplant

Although the Beaucarnea has a slight air-purifying effect, it is limited by its modest size. Nevertheless, every little bit contributes to a healthier indoor climate.

Diseases the Beaucarnea can contract

The Beaucarnea is generally resistant to diseases and pests. However, too much water can lead to root rot. In draughty environments, there is a chance of mealybugs, which you can quickly combat with an appropriate remedy.

Buy a Beaucarnea at Green Bubble

Looking for a beautiful and healthy Beaucarnea? At Green Bubble you've come to the right place! We work directly with growers to guarantee the freshness and quality of our plants. Simply order through our webshop and get your Beaucarnea delivered fresh and free to your home. No hassle, just the best houseplants at Green Bubble!