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Phoenix Roebelenii on trunk - 160cm
Phoenix Roebelenii on trunk - 160cm
Phoenix Roebelenii on trunk - 160cm
Phoenix Roebelenii on trunk - 160cm
Phoenix Roebelenii on trunk - 160cm

Phoenix Roebelenii on trunk - 160cm

119 95

This magnificent Phoenix Roebelenii - 160cm is a palm species native to Southeast Asia. The Phoenix Roebelenii is a real sun worshipper, so put it in a spot with enough sunshine per day.

  • 160 cm
  • 27 cm
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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

  • Plants from our own nursery
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Personal Plantshopper

We fully understand that you would like to see your XL plant first, which is why we can send a picture of it via WhatsApp. When you send a WhatsApp to the following number, we will take some pictures.

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Plant height may vary 10 cm. Height includes cultivation pot. The cultivation pot in the photo may vary.

Product Description

The Phoenix Roebelenii belongs to the Araceae family and is nicknamed Dwarf date palm because it is one of the smaller of its kind. Indeed, in the wild, palms can grow to great heights.
The palm can be placed inside or outside, as long as it can enjoy the sun.

Care & tips Phoenix Roebelenii - 160cm

The Phoenix Roebelenii is not a difficult plant. Of course, this does not mean that you can neglect it. Always make sure you are aware of the right care tips.

Water requirements Phoenix Roebelenii - 160cm

The soil should always remain slightly moist. Especially in summer, the plant should receive enough water. We recommend keeping a close eye on the soil. If the soil is still very wet from the previous watering, it is better to wait a while. Is your plant repotted? Always use a moisture meter or a water gauge.

If you have the Phoenix Roebelenii outside, it is important to have good drainage. Excess water can then drain away properly and prevent root rot.

Light requirements Phoenix Roebelenii - 160cm

The Phoenix Roebelenii loves light. Make sure it gets a sunny spot. If the plant receives too little light, new leaves will not grow.

Is the Phoenix Roebelenii - 160cm poisonous?

The Phoenix Roebelenii is not a poisonous palm tree, but the sharp spines on the trunk do not make the palm very child-friendly.

How is my Phoenix Roebelenii - 160m shipped?

This topper is delivered in a cultivation pot. All our XL plants are delivered by our external courier. This courier is experienced in transporting live products and knows exactly how to deliver this amazing tree tiptop to your home.


Latin Name Phoenix Roebelenii
Delivery Plant delivered in cultivation pot
Warranty Fresh from the grower
Height 160 cm
Pot Size 27 cm
Location Normal daylight, next to a window without direct sunlight
Water Needs ± 1-2 per week
Poisonous No
Air Purifying Yes
Packaging Well packed in a special box for sending plants
Maintenance Few

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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

119 95