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Ficus Benghalensis Audrey - 190cm

Ficus Benghalensis Audrey - 190cm

279 95

Ficus Benghalensis Audrey is native to the tropics of India. Here in the wild, the plant climbs up on tall trees and after a while takes over their place, so to speak.

  • 190 cm
  • 40 cm
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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

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Plant height may vary by 10 cm. The measured height includes cultivation pot.

Product Description

Ficus Benghalensis Audrey has been nicknamed 'strangler' because of its unique and slightly aggressive growth habit. In India, Ficus climbs up higher trees, strangles them as it were and lets its roots sink down. In this way, Ficus Audrey takes the place of its victim and can grow to great heights... Pooh, don't make him angry. In India, the tree is sacred and is called the Banyan Tree. 

Care & tips Ficus Benghalensis Audrey - 190cm

Ficus Benghalensis Audrey is not a difficult plant to take care of. Make sure you put it in a sunny spot and know how to take care of it properly. That way, Ficus will look its best and you will be able to enjoy it for a long time. Give Ficus Benghalensis Audrey some extra nutrition in the summer months. We do not recommend this in the winter months, because then the plant is in resting mode. Feeding Ficus in resting mode can damage the plant.

Water requirements for Ficus Benghalensis Audrey - 190 cm

It's difficult to say exactly how much water your Ficus needs. Every plant has its own needs and drinks at its own speed. It may be that one of your plants needs water much faster than the other. Feel this for each plant by rooting with two fingers deep into the soil. If the soil is still wet from last time, it is better to wait with watering. Only when the soil underneath is also dry, it is time for another watering.

Light requirements for Ficus Benghalensis Audrey - 190 cm

Ficus Benghalensis Audrey comes from a tropical and sunny region. For that reason, this tropical plant can withstand direct sunlight well and likes to stand in the daylight at your home. Make sure the Ficus gets enough daylight a day to stay beautiful.

Is Ficus Benghalensis Audrey 190 cm poisonous?

Yes, unfortunately, Ficus Benghalensis Audrey is poisonous if swallowed. The sap that is released when the leaves are cut can be irritating to the skin. Be careful with small children and pets. 

How will my Ficus Benghalensis Audrey be delivered?

This large houseplant will be delivered in a grow pot. All our houseplants are sent in specially designed shipping boxes! Because of the unique interior, the green houseplants stand firm in the box and cannot move. Houseplants don't mind being in a dark box for a day. This way, we make sure that your green friend is delivered to your home in tip-top shape.


Latin Name Ficus
Delivery Plant delivered in cultivation pot
Warranty Fresh from the grower
Height 190 cm
Diameter 110 cm
Pot Size 40 cm
Location Normal daylight, next to a window without direct sunlight
Water Needs ± 1-2 a week
Poisonous Slightly toxic
Air Purifying Yes
Packaging Delivered in a custom made plant delivery box
Maintenance Little

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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

279 95