Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine - 170cm

Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine - 170cm

109 95

The Dracane is native to Africa, Central America and Asia. The Dracaena is a very easy plant to care for and ideal for a shady spot.

  • 170 cm
  • 27 cm
Order a matching pot directly!
The total price of your configuration109,95

In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

  • Plants from our own nursery
  • Choose your own plant with our Personal Plantshopper
  • No more dragging plants around
Plant height may vary 10 cm. Height includes cultivation pot. The cultivation pot in the photo may vary.

Product Description

This mega easy Dracaena will look great in your home. The Dracaena stands out because of its sturdy stems with coloured leaves. The Dracaena does not mind being forgotten once in a while and is therefore the ideal houseplant for anyone who does not intend to pay much attention to its greenery.

Care & tips Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine - 170cm

The Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine is a very strong plant. Even the very worst plant caretakers will not easily get this plant off its perch. This easy houseplant needs very little care and attention. Ideal if you don't have a green thumb or little time. Of course, this does not mean that you can just put this green houseplant down and forget about it. Even an easy houseplant needs attention once in a while.

Water requirements Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine - 170cm

The Dracaena doesn't need much water. You only need to water the Dracaena once every 3 to 6 weeks. You can best check this by checking the humidity of the soil. Too much water certainly doesn't do this cool green houseplant any good!

Light requirements Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine - 170cm

The Dracaena loves a semi-shaded spot. It absolutely does not tolerate direct sunlight and can burn its leaves.

Is the Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine - 170cm toxic?

Unfortunately, the Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine is slightly toxic. So be careful with pets and small children.

How will my Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine be shipped?

This green houseplant is delivered in a nursery pot. All our houseplants are shipped in specially designed shipping boxes! Due to the unique interior, the green houseplants stand firmly in the box and cannot move in any direction. Houseplants don't mind spending a day in a dark box. This way, we make sure your green friend is delivered to your home in tip-top order.


Latin Name Dracaena Hawaiiana
Delivery Plant delivered in cultivation pot
Warranty Fresh from the grower
Height 170 cm
Diameter 70 cm
Pot Size 27 cm
Location Semi-shade, 5 metres from a window
Water Needs ± 1-2x per 2 weeks
Poisonous Slightly poisonous
Air Purifying Yes
Packaging Delivered in a custom made plant delivery box
Maintenance Little

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In stock, delivery time 1-5 working days

109 95