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Pannenkoekplant (Pilea Peperomioidis)

The pancake plant or pancake plant also known as the Pilea Peperomioidis, is all the way back! The distinctive round and flat leaves is where the name "pancake plant" lives up to its name.

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Currently, the pancake plant is wildly popular for the hip and modern plant lover. Where previously the pancake plant was quite difficult to obtain, nowadays you can find the plant in any stylish home. The pancake plant gives a retro look and knows its place in almost any interior to find. What is also very nice, is the fact that the pancake plant is a real easy houseplant. Therefore this houseplant is suitable for everyone! 

Taking care of a pancake plant

What is the best way to take care of a pancake plant? Despite the fact that the pancake plant does not require much care, it is important to take care of this pilea peperomiodis from time to time. Every plant needs a little love and care, including the easy pancake plant! Don't worry, below you can read in detail how to best care for a pancake plant. So don't hesitate to read all the care tips for the pancake plant. 

Watering a pancake plant

Planning to water your pancake plant? First read about the best way to care for your pancake plant! We have a few handy tips for watering your pancake plant. Your pancake plant loves to get a little water once a week. Even though the pilea peperomioidis is not a very thirsty plant, you should definitely not forget to water it. 

Are you unsure if your pancake plant needs water? Just stick your finger in the soil and feel how dry the soil is. If the soil around the pancake plant feels very dry, you can add a little water. 

Make sure the soil stays slightly moist. So avoid an excess of water! Your pancake plant can't stand too much water either. Make sure there is no water left at the bottom of the pot of your pancake plant. This will cause the roots of the plant to slowly rot away. Despite the fact that the plant does not need much water you should take good care of your pancake plant!  

The perfect location for a pancake plant

The location of the pancake plant is very important, so read the following tips carefully. The pancake plant does not need much sun to shine in your home. The small houseplant certainly appreciates sunlight, but full sun is a bit too much. So make sure you put the pilea peperomioidis in a light spot where the sunlight doesn't directly reach it. This prevents the leaves from burning off due to the strong UV rays. Do not place your pancake plant right in front of the window, for example. Otherwise the leaves may eventually start to droop and turn a yellow color. Your sweet pancake plant doesn't deserve that, of course. So the perfect location for your pancake plant is: A sunny spot without too much direct sunlight!

Replanting a pancake plant

Do you want to repot your pancake plant? Then please read these tips on how to do that in order to take the best care of your pancake plant. A pilea peperomioidis does not need to be repotted often. The pancake plant is not a very fast grower and therefore does not burst at the seams very quickly. We recommend repotting your pancake plant once a year in a pot that is at least 20% larger than your current pot. This ensures that your pancake plant has just a little more room to grow and develop. Another nice touch is that with a pancake plant in a larger pot you can also create cuttings! 

The best time to repot your pancake plant is in the spring. Nature blooms in the spring which makes plants have more energy. So when the roots of the pancake plant are accidentally damaged, they will repair themselves faster.  

Pruning a pancake plant

Pruning your pancake plant is not a difficult job. It may happen that some leaves of your pilea peperomioidis become limp and turn a yellow color. Do not worry then because this is a normal natural process of the plant. You can easily prune your pilea peperomioidis by gently removing the leaves. Often you will find that the limp and yellow leaves will automatically detach themselves from the pancake plant. So it is not necessary to prune your pancake plant, but it does look a lot nicer of course! 

Another handy care tip: if your pancake plant has a lot of yellow, glassy and limp leaves it could be that you are giving your little houseplant too much or too little water. It may also indicate that your pancake plant is standing in direct sunlight too much. 

Nutrition for your pancake plant

The pancake plant is a super easy plant and therefore nutrition is not necessary in the first two months after your purchase. Your plant will have no trouble getting nutrition from the nutritious soil. Tip: after this period your pancake plant will be happy to get some plant nutrition every now and then. A little plant food once a month makes the pancake plant very happy. But, feeding your pancake plant is not a necessity. With a little love and water, the pilea peperomioidis will do just fine!  

Pancake plant diseases

The pancake plant is certainly not susceptible to nasty plant diseases. The only disease the pancake plant can get is mildew. Should you find mildew on your pancake plant, make sure you combat it as soon as possible with a natural pesticide. Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence. In short, the pancake plant is very easy to maintain and what's more, the pancake plant is also very strong. 

Everything you need to know about the pancake plant 

When you buy a pancake plant there are a number of tips to make your new acquisition even more fun. That's why we're happy to tell you everything you need to know about the pancake plant!

Cuttings from a pancake plant

One of the super fun perks of the pancake plant is the fact that you can easily take cuttings from the plant. If you have a pancake plant in your home, you will probably have seen it: little plants growing around the pancake plant. We recommend that you let these "baby" pancake plants grow for a while next to the mother plants and then cutt the pancake plant. 

When the plants have grown a little bigger (about 4cm) you can carefully cut them loose. Then you can place the cuttings in a glass or container with water. Make sure you refresh the water regularly. Soon you will see that the plant starts to get roots. When the roots are long enough you can plant the plant in the fresh soil. Now it's just a matter of time before the cutting has grown into an "adult" pilea peperomioidis. All you have to do now is take care of the plant as you would take care of your other pancake plants with lots of love! So taking a pancake plant cutting is not difficult at all. 

Is a pancake plant poisonous?

As far as we know, a pancake plant is not poisonous. A pancake plant and cats (or other pets) are therefore a good combination. The pancake plant is therefore often described as a pet-friendly plant. So no problem if your cat sneaks a bite of that delicious pancake plant. If your cat is very interested in your pilea peperomioides, then you better put the plant in a safe place. Of course, it is not healthy if your pet eats too much of the plant. 

Air purification of the pancake plant

The pancake plant is a super good air purifier! A pilea peperomioides in your living room or bedroom is sure to improve air quality. The pancake plant is relatively small compared to other houseplants. Therefore, you definitely need several pancake plants to properly purify the air. But, remember that every little bit helps! 

How big does a pancake plant get?

A pancake plant can grow quite large over a long period of time. The pilea peperomioides can grow up to 30 to 40 inches tall and can also grow a sturdy trunk over time. If you find your pancake plant too big you can also make the decision to prune your plant. Of course, you can also cutt your pancake plant to create smaller pancake plants. As long as you take good care of your pancake plant, a large pancake plant can actually look super nice!

A pancake plant in bloom, now what? 

It may surprise you but a pancake plant can also bloom. After overwintering the pancake plant, small white flowers can grow on the plant. A flowering pancake plant with flowers is unfortunately a very rare phenomenon. The flowering of a pancake plant has no effect on the plant itself. So just leave it! 

Origin of the pancake plant

Almost everyone these days has heard of the pancake plant. But where does the pilea peperomioidis originally come from? The pancake plant originates entirely from the "far east. In fact, the little plant comes all the way from China! After the English created several colonies, they soon discovered the pancake plant. They thought the leaves looked very much like coins, which is why the pancake plant is also known as the Chinese Money Plant.

The pancake plant is therefore known in China as a symbol of fortune. The myth goes that if you put a gold coin in the ground next to the pancake plant, gold coins will grow on the plant. Always worth a try of course. The pancake plant first came ashore in Europe in the 20th century. In the past, the pancake plant was only grown in Scandinavia. Nowadays, fortunately, you can buy the pilea peperomioidis in many places and of course at Green Bubble! 

Buying a pancake plant at the Green Bubble

Buying a great pancake plant is something you do of course at the Green Bubble! When you buy a plant you always want the healthiest and most beautiful choices. We at the Green Bubble strive every day to send only the highest quality plants. All of the pancake plants we sell are therefore always fresh from the grower.

Nothing makes us happier than a happy customer and a healthy plant. Want to buy a pancake plant but don't feel like going all the way to the store? At the Green Bubble you can easily order all your houseplants online. We make sure you never have to drag plants around again. You can order a pilea peperomioidis easily and quickly in our webshop. When you order a pilea peperomioidis today, you will receive it as soon as possible at home! 

Ease of ordering and beautiful houseplants, that's what Green Bubble stands for. Do you want to buy a cool pancake plant? Join the Green Bubble! 


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