Aspidistra elatior (cast iron plant)

The Aspidistra Elatior, also known as the ‘Cushion Leaf Plant’, is a real powerhouse among houseplants. At Green Bubble you will find this stylish and robust plant, perfect for anyone who wants a green touch in their home without too much fuss. The Aspidi

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Special Aspidistra Elatior plants

The Aspidistra is native to the mountainous regions of Japan and Taiwan. In these areas, the Aspidistra is mainly a ground cover. Due to its mountain origins, this houseplant is very easy to look after, as it doesn't need much. The Aspidistra is not a demanding houseplant and does well in a spot without too much light, so it doesn't need much looking after.

Watering the Aspidistra

The Aspidistra is a very easy houseplant that makes few demands, also when it comes to watering. It copes well with irregular watering and needs little watering. It is important to prevent the plant from standing in too wet soil, so let the soil dry out a little between waterings. If the soil cracks, you've waited too long to water; give small bits of water so the soil can absorb it better. If in doubt, it's better to wait a while, because the Aspidistra tolerates dryness better than too much water.
Water requirements vary from plant to plant and depend on factors such as temperature, light intensity and pot size. Keep a close eye on the plant in the first weeks after purchase and check the potting soil regularly.

Watering the Aspidistra

It is not necessary to water this houseplant, but for its health and development it can be good to water it once a month. This ensures that any pests don't get a chance and also removes the dust from the leaves. This will keep the leaves nice and will make them shiny.

The best location for the Aspidistra

By nature, the Aspidistra is a ground cover and this means it grows under other plants. So the Aspidistra is by nature a plant that survives well in a place with little sunlight. Nevertheless, this houseplant does need some sunlight to stay healthy; artificial light is not enough for this. It is best to place it near a north-facing window. If the Aspidistra gets too much sunlight, its leaves will turn yellow. In terms of temperature, you don't have to worry about this strong houseplant, as the minimum daytime temperature is 12 degrees and the nighttime temperature is 5 degrees. So this houseplant could also be placed in a garden shed or greenhouse. Just make sure you bring it back inside in time.

Help! The leaves of my Aspidistra are discoloured

Even though the Aspidistra is a strong houseplant and not much to look after, it can always happen that the Aspidistra is not feeling well. If this is the case, it will show this through its leaves, but this will not happen quickly. The leaves of this houseplant can turn light in colour or even yellow, in this case move the houseplant to a place with a little less sunlight.
The Aspidistra may also develop brown spots or edges, this is a sign of too much water. In this case, reduce the watering and the leaves will regrow by themselves.

Pruning the Aspidistra

Pruning is often not necessary for this houseplant, as the Aspidistra does not grow very large. If you notice that some of its leaves are less attractive because of brown edges, for example, you can easily cut them off. This saves energy and keeps the plant looking fresh.

Propagating the Aspidistra

This houseplant can be propagated by tearing. Use a knife to cut out a part with enough roots and place the small Aspidistra in a warm and humid environment. The warmth and humidity will give you the best chance of survival. You do need to be patient when tearing the Aspidistra, as it will take some time for it to reach the same size as its mother.

Is the Aspidistra a poisonous houseplant?

The Aspidistra is definitely not a poisonous houseplant, so it is really animal- and child-friendly houseplant. In the Far East, the leaves are even used to present food on. The leaves themselves are not eaten.

Common diseases in the Aspidistra

The Aspidistra does not easily suffer from pests or other diseases. Nevertheless, it can always happen that the Aspidistra suffers from lice. If you notice this, you could initially spray the plant with a harder jet. If this doesn't work, we recommend treating the Aspidistra with a chemical or biological pesticide.

Repotting the Aspidistra

The Aspidistra is not a fast-growing houseplant or one that will quickly grow in height or width. The Aspidistra will grow between 50 and 70 centimetres tall. Repotting is therefore not really necessary any time soon, but if you do want to repot your Aspidistra, we advise you to do so in spring or in spring. Any damaged roots can recover better during these seasons. We recommend a pot with a diameter at least 20% larger than its predecessor. When repotting, simply use universal potting soil and if you have a high container, we recommend using an insert sleeve. This insert sleeve prevents the water at the bottom of the pot from rotting, which can eventually lead to root rot.

Giving the Aspidistra extra nutrition

The Aspidistra grows slowly and therefore consumes little nutrition. So it is not necessary to give this houseplant extra nutrition, but it will benefit its health and development. If you want to give your Aspidistra an extra boost, we recommend giving it some plant food in the spring and summer months. Use the liquid fertiliser for houseplants, but never give more than is stated on the packaging. Too much extra nutrition can damage the plant's roots. The food is quite acidic and this can easily damage the roots.

Buy an Aspidistra at Green Bubble

Are you looking for a beautiful, healthy and strong Aspidistra as a houseplant? Then you've come to the right place at Green Bubble! When you buy one of our Aspidistra, you naturally want a beautiful and fresh plant. At Green Bubble we work directly with growers so we can guarantee the freshness of our houseplants. We strive to deliver healthy and high-quality plants to our customers every day. This ensures you get your houseplant delivered as fresh and good as possible!
Want to buy an Aspidistra but don't feel like going to your local garden shop? We understand that, which is why we ship your Aspidistra directly to you, free of charge! Buying an Aspidistra is easy in our webshop where you can buy different types of Aspidistra of the highest quality!