Brown edges on houseplants: now what?

Houseplants are fantastic companions that bring life and colour to your home. But what do you do when your beloved green friend suddenly develops brown edges on its leaves? Don't panic! Brown edges are a common problem and are usually easy to fix. We would like to explain to you what the causes might be and how to tackle these annoying spots.
Why do plants get brown edges?
This can have several causes, but most likely it is one of the following:
- Too much water: plants can drown if you water them too often. Their roots do not get air and the plant cannot absorb nutrients properly. The result? Brown edges on the leaves. Beware of this, because an excess of water can be fatal for your plant. The roots can rot and die, and this is often irreversible.
- Too little water: on the other hand, a thirsty plant can also develop brown edges. If the soil is too dry, the leaf edges can dry out and turn brown. Feel the soil every week. It should always remain slightly moist for most houseplants, unless otherwise stated for the plant on our website.
- Too much direct sunlight: Some plants don't like the sun and can burn if they get too much direct sunlight. This leads to brown, scorched edges. With any plant, it is therefore important to check what the ideal location is.
- Too little light: plants that are placed in a corner that is too dark, while they like being in the light, have trouble growing and can develop weak, brown leaves. In this case, move your plant to a brighter spot if necessary.
- Low humidity: tropical plants in particular like high humidity. In a dry environment, their leaf edges can dry out and turn brown. To prevent this, spray your houseplant's leaves regularly with a plant spray.
What can you do about brown edges?
Once you have identified the cause of brown edges, it is time to tackle the problem. Depending on the cause, the solution may differ:
- Adjust watering: check how often you water. Let the top layer of the soil dry out a little between waterings. Use your fingertips to check the humidity. For most houseplants, the soil should always feel slightly moist. Is your plant repotted? If so, we recommend using a water gauge or moisture meter to keep the moisture level at the right level.
- Change the light conditions: Is it clear that your plant is not in the right spot? Then move your plant to a spot with the right light conditions. What the right conditions are varies from plant to plant. At Green Bubble you can find the ideal light conditions for each plant. If you are in doubt about this, we can of course help you choose the right location.
- Increase humidity: for plants that like moist air, you can use a humidifier or spray the leaves with water regularly.
- Cut away brown edges: it makes sense to carefully cut away the brown edges! Use a clean and sharp knife or scissors. This improves the appearance of your plant and can prevent further damage.
Make your plant care a weekly routine! Take the time to inspect and care for your green friends. With a little attention and love, your houseplants will be healthy and happy, without those pesky brown edges.