The best care for your houseplants in summer

The best care for your houseplants in the summer
With more sunlight, higher temperatures, and often dry air indoors, your green collection could use some extra help to stay fresh and healthy during the summer. Curious about how to give your plants the best care this season? We’re sharing handy tips to help your plants thrive, from smart watering habits to finding the right spot in your home. That way, you can both enjoy a lovely, green summer!
Give your plants extra water
Let’s start with something we also pay attention to in the summer: drinking enough water! You certainly don’t want your green oasis to dry out, so keep a close eye on the soil of your plants. A handy tip: occasionally stick your finger in the potting soil—yes, it really works! This way, you can feel whether the soil is still moist enough. Just be careful not to let your plants get "waterlogged," as they don’t have swimming certificates! A few times a week, giving the leaves a light misting? They love that!
Move them: No sunburn allowed!
Where your plant might normally enjoy sitting on the windowsill, it can be wise to place it a bit further away from the window during the summer. The sunlight streaming through the glass can become particularly intense, potentially leading to leaf burn. We definitely don’t want that on our conscience, right? So, move your plants to a spot where they’re not in direct sunlight.
Extra nutrition for growth
In the summer, your green buddies will appreciate some extra nutrition. And no, we’re not talking about fries with mayo and a veggie burger (although that does sound delicious!). They need plant nutrition. Give them some plant fertilizer about once every two weeks to support that summer growth spurt. Just be sure to read the instructions, so you provide the right amount. Too much fertilizer can also stress your plants.
Time to take cuttings!
Summer is the perfect time for taking cuttings! If you haven’t done this yet, it’s definitely worth making some "babies" from your plant now. It might even be better to do this before the hottest months, so the cuttings have plenty of time to grow. But better late than never! Just make sure to find a spot for the cuttings where they won’t be in direct sunlight—the little leaves often can’t handle that just yet. This way, you give your cuttings the best chance to develop into beautiful, big plants.
We hope these tips help you keep your green friends healthy and happy all summer long! Now, pour yourself a refreshing glass of water and enjoy your own summer tropical mini-jungle!