Our 5 most ‘lout-proof’ plants for the home

It happens to you hey. You're on holiday enjoying your cocktail, and it suddenly occurs to you that your plants at home would have liked a drink too before you left for two weeks. Well, we don't all have green fingers, but secretly we really like having some more greenery in the house. Living greenery to be clear. With the plants in this list, we offer a solution to the real plant neglecters and save many other plants from pain and suffering. After all, these ‘lout-proof’ greens don't mind being forgotten once.
These so-called ‘hufterproof’ plants are easy to care for, require little maintenance and are actually almost indestructible. You do have to work very hard to get these plants off their perch. Are you really a plant killer? Then read on, we have collected our 5 most ‘hufterproof’ houseplants especially for you.
1. Dracaena
The Dracaena is one of the easiest plants in our range. It is extremely strong and can be placed almost anywhere. The Dracaena needs very little care and doesn't mind being forgotten once in a while. This also makes the Dracaena the ideal office plant. No more arguing with colleagues about who has to water all the plants. The Dracaena prefers a shady spot without direct sunlight. In terms of water requirements, the plant only needs a shoot once every 3 to 6 weeks, Easypeasy!
2. Sansevieria
The Sansevieria is also called the ‘Snake plant’ or ‘Mother-in-law's tongue’ in English, yes really. An easy houseplant that you only get dead by giving too much water. The Sansevieria doesn't really care at all where it stands. In the sun, in the shade, the Sansevieria likes everything. Just make sure you don't give it too much water, the plant is not the thirsty type. If in doubt, skip a watering.
3. Calathea
The Calathea, also known as the Prayer Plant, comes in different shapes and sizes. The plant closes its leaves in the evening to unfold them again in the morning light. Through these movements, you can really see the plant alive and this gives a very cool effect. Besides, the Calathea is also an easy plant. Place this topper out of the sun and try to keep the soil slightly moist and the plant will soon be happy. Ideal for a dark corner of your home!
4. Beaucarnea
I came from Mexico' This great elephant plant can stand in full sun. What an easy plant it is, this Beaucarnea. The plant stores water in its stem and can thus provide itself with moisture for a long time. Put it in a sunny spot and the plant will soon be at ease.
5. Olive tree
A spare spot in the garden? Then the olive tree is a good idea. The olive tree loves the sun and is hardy to a temperature of minus 17 degrees Celsius. With proper care, the olive tree can even live for decades.